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The Coronavirus pandemic continues to profoundly affect public life around

The Coronavirus pandemic continues to profoundly affect public life around the world. The area most affected by the measures taken due to the epidemic is working life. As in all over the world, thousands of people in many sectors in Turkey now continue their work by 'working from home' method.

Although the practice of working from home, which became widespread with the coronavirus epidemic, initially brought new tests for many, those who are used to the advantages of working from home do not want to return to the office again.

According to research conducted by the German health insurance company Dak, less stress, more time for family and saving time spent on the road are the most important advantages of working from home. The vast majority of respondents believe that productivity also increases when working from home.

In a study based on surveys conducted with 7 thousand people before and during the pandemic of the Coronavirus pandemic, the proportion of those who experienced stress "regularly" at work was 21 percent, while during the pandemic this figure fell to 15 percent. The proportion of those who said they had "never experienced stress" or "only experienced occasional stress" rose from 48 per cent to 57 per cent.

Efficiency Increases…

During the pandemic, 56 percent of those who regularly worked from home said they worked more efficiently at home than in the office, while a two-thirds majority expressed satisfaction both in terms of being able to take the family and the work together and saving time.

Assessing the results of the study, DAK Chairman Andreas Storm said, "Working from home not only reduces the danger of transmission of the virus, but also is important for spiritual balance." Storm also pointed out that there are downsides to working from home, but noted that the positive aspects should also be taken into account in the future.

The Obvious Line Between Work and Private Life...

According to the study, nearly half of those working at home complain of blurring the clear line between work and private life. In the group between the ages of 18 and 29, this figure rises to 52 percent. On the other hand, three-quarters of those working from home miss direct communication with colleagues. But despite the downsides, in general, no one wants to give up the option of working from home. With the corona crisis, 76.9 per cent of regular home workers want this way of working to be maintained in part in the future.

So, Can Working From Home Become Permanent?

If I ask my friends if they would like to go back full-time to working from one office, five days a week – most people say no. They like skipping the obligatory commute, feeling trusted by their bosses, and having the freedom to customise their days to their personal needs. But they also complain that the home office is cramped, boring, and lonely after a while.

Companies have discovered that both remote work and trusting employees is not only possible, but in many cases more profitable. Employees remain effective and productive, and they feel better, too. Many are now questioning the need for the big, expensive and static office they used to have.

So, if the general population won't be going back full-time to the office, but also won’t be staying at home full-time – what is the future of workspaces?

Covid-19 taught us the importance of flexibility and trust, from economic, sustainability and health perspectives. As companies dare to explore options beyond the ‘one-size-fits-all’ office solution, we can start sharing spaces in a new way. Imagine if you could have access to inspiring new locations adapted for different tasks and projects – wherever you are.

As hrmade, we are with you in your new generation employee experience applications. Let's design your employee experience together.

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